This is one of the best times of the year when every house I come across dazzles with lights and the festivity can be felt everywhere. Diwali is the time when people spend time with their families, every house is filled with sweets and of course, the cleaning movement of the year is in full swing. But alongside that, the crackers also held a special place in every house until the past few years. Due to pollution, people have started refraining from bursting crackers and looking for other ways to spend this festival of lights. I was never the person who liked bursting crackers, but there are other ways that I used to follow to celebrate my kinda Diwali. If this year, you're also planning to take a break from crackers then these offbeat ideas will help you celebrate the best of Diwali 2023.

[ Suggested Post: Festivals of India ]

6 Easy Ideas to Celebrate Diwali 2023

Let your Diwali be green and pollution-free this year by following these 6 amazing ideas to celebrate with your family and friends.

  1. Skip Rockets And Light Lanterns

There is no doubt that the rockets were the most fascinating part of Diwali when we were kids. The 90's kids will agree to that. Right? But with time we have to also think about the pollution which increases 10 times more during Diwali due to all the crackers and fireworks. So in Diwali 2023, let's take a break from the rockets and light up lanterns. What can be better than seeing the sky glowing with beautiful lanterns?

  1. Card Parties Are Lit

Well, I haven't played cards during Diwali, but it seems to be quite a fun thing, especially with family and friends. It is also a good alternative to skip bursting crackers when your gang arrives. Card parties are not just a gathering for fun, but if your lucky cards work well then you might also get the chance to win some extra cash too. Also, people can play games like Antakshri because this sound is better than the noise of the crackers.

  1. Add Color to Your Diwali

Rangoli is an essential part of Diwali and gives ample reasons to give your house a creative and artistic touch. I know everybody is not meant to be an artist, but who is judging you on Diwali? The Rangolis can be made of watercolors or mild paint which brings out that sleeping artist inside you. Rangoli making is personally my favorite during Diwali and colors are always better than noise.

  1. Get Set And Clean

Diwali means getting rid of all the negativity that surrounds the house, which means that once a year this festival becomes a reason to clean. From setting up the wardrobe which is piled up with clothes to throwing away all the junk stuffed on the shelf, there is a lot to do. And did I forget to mention that during Diwali there are so many items available at the markets to decorate the house?

  1. Donate A Smile

We must feel lucky that we get to celebrate Diwali in the best way every year, but some people are not privileged enough. The fun of Diwali comes up when we can bring a smile to the faces of people who can't afford to spend a lavish Diwali with their family. So, instead of spending on the crackers, why can't we give a share to the needy people and light up their houses too? There are old age homes, orphanages, and slums where people crave all this, and by giving them this let's brighten their lives to this Diwali.

  1. Don't Forget The Poor Pups

And amidst all the festive glamour, we often forget about the poor dogs who can't even complain. These furballs deal with quite a difficult time with all the loud noises and the flickering lights. They can't speak up for their own, but if we try to celebrate Diwali responsibly maybe it will be a little less stressful for them. By this, it doesn't mean to refrain from crackers, but not burst them in their proximity.

This is all for this time, I hope this Diwali brings all the happiness and prosperity and lightens up your life with all the good wishes.